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Farmer’s Market Vegan Pad Thai Recipe

Vegan Pad Thai is one of my ultimate go-to recipes when I’m not too sure what to cook for myself. This recipe is fast, simple and my own twist for what I find seasonally in the Farmer’s Market. For those who want to add animal-based proteins, chicken or shrimp would be a great addition.

This dish is such a celebration of whole, clean eating with a mixture of beautiful bold colors. I love this dish for so many reasons. I love the rich, firey heat that lights up your Agni (Ayurvedic term for digestive fire). I love it because it’s easy and reliable and tastes good every time.

Gluten Free, Oil Free, and Vegan

Over the years I’ve been slowly learning to listen to my body. I’ve found that gluten and certain oils just don’t mix with me unless I’m highly active and constantly moving my body.I have learned to adapt and have found great alternatives to my all time favorite food in the world- Noodles. Rice noodles help deliver certain nutrients to the body such as zinc, fiber, and iron. After calcium, phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body. These two minerals keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy. Phosphorus also assists in filtering out waste in your kidneys, and it helps your body store, process and use energy. Some of my favorite go-to rice noodles are Thai Kitchen Gluten Free Noodles. You can find this brand in any grocery store or order online.

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