What a great Monday it’s been so far! I woke up from a beautiful night of pampering myself and listening to the rain. I had some notifications this morning that I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the amazing and sweet Chevy from Chevy Takes the Mic. Super gracias chica! Over the past year I have taken a more serious step into writing about subjects that not only are important to me, but also look at several different modalities of health, holist living, and wellness. In that same light, I have been engaging with other bloggers on twitter, instagram and other social media handles. The diversity and talent I’ve see from so many bloggers who look at blogging as their career or even part time bloggers who write just to write- it’s challenged me to dig deep and create great content along all my social media platforms. I’m constantly inspired!

7 Facts About Me
I have written personal testimonies about my experience from leaving an abusive relationship, as well as my personal experience running health and wellness retreats in Mexico, however I’ve never written any “About Me” posts. So whether you have been watching the evolution of Activated Living blog space or you’re new to my little corner of the internet, Welcome! Sit back. Get comfy. And here are 7 random facts about me.
- I speak 5 languages; English, Spanish (conversational), Turkish (Conversational), Russian (Beginning), and learning Italian
- I’ve studied several forms of dance from jazz, tap, ballet (intermediate), african dance, hip hop, modern and contemporary over the span of 20 years
- I started The Activated Living Podcast where I discuss several modalities of health + Wellness
- In 2016 I was diagnosed with several different auto-immune diseases and I took my health into my own hands looking to create a holistic way for healing- however I was experiencing symptoms since I was 8-9 years old
- I dropped out of Art School for a fantastic opportunity in Los Angeles as a Photo Studio Manager for the entertainment and music industry
- I’m NOT vegan (yet), but I live a plant-based lifestyle with small occasions when I enjoy fresh caught fish or free range chicken (and I’m definitely not dogmatic about mine or anyone else’s food choices)
- I have traveled to 16 different countries in my lifetime so far
Versatile Blogger Award Nominees
- Life As Diana – http://www.lifeasdiana.com/
- The Balanced Blonde – https://www.thebalancedblonde.com
- Another Station, Another Mile – https://anotherstationanothermile.com
- Jade Marie – http://jademarie.co.uk
- The Cozy Stylist – https://cozystylist.com
- Sarah Eliza – http://www.saraheliza.co.uk/
- Cub Kit – https://cubkit.co.uk/
- Sugi Says – https://sugisays.com
- Joy Celau Official – http://www.joycelauofficial.com
- Forever the Wanderer – http://www.foreverthewanderer.ie
- Kabuki Rune – http://kabukirune.com/
- Soph Hearts –https://sophhearts.com
- Charlotte Nichole – http://charlotte-nichole.com/
- Luxury Blush – https://luxuryblush.co.uk
- Mischievous Words by Marta – https://mischievouswordsbymartaazra.wordpress.com
Versatile Blogger Award Rules
1. Say thank you to the person that nominated you.
2. Link back to the blog of the person who nominated you.
3. List seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominated 15 other bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
4 replies on “Versatile Blogger Award”
You’re welcome! And I’m amazed that you wrote this post so quickly! It took me a whole week before I finished. I loved learning about you and all the good work you’ve been doing. P.s. please take me with you on your next trip ?.
Hey chica! hahah – yeah I have made a whole bookmark folder of some great bloggers I’ve found on twitter. I enjoyed looking through a few new blogs as well today <3 Thank you so much for that sweet compliment. Are you on Insta? Are we following each other? Send me your handle 🙂 I'm actually thinking about hosting a "Blogger Babes Getaway" where we can travel some where and have content creating circles and have guests talk about how to grow your business through blogging and also indulge in some holistic spa treatments.. I'll keep you in mind for an invite if I get the project off the ground !
what an amazing award! thanks for sharing this post <3
Wow! Amazing that you speak so many languages. It’s something I’d love to pick up. I hate that I can only speak 1! x